Social Media Content for NonProfits

Learn to design and implement a content marketing strategy that will attract people to your cause, rather than begging for their attention or interrupting them with your communications. You'll learn how to plan, create, share, and manage relevant and valuable content that inspires and motivates supporters, reporters and followers to further your cause and advocate for your nonprofit in many different ways.

You'll learn to:
  • Develop a compelling content strategy
  • Build a successful editorial plan
  • Create content types you should (and shouldn’t) you share
  • Plan and organize content production to save time & earn engagement
  • Align social media metrics with your nonprofit's goals
  • Craft a platform-specific content strategy
  • Design content themes for captions and media
  • Create compelling captions, short content and headlines
  • Outline an engagement plan of action
  • Create a content strategy surrounding a campaign
  • Explore tools and resources to use when creating content
  • and much more...

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Within one business day of your registration or sooner, I will send you an invitation to the webinar's 
Basecamp project space on which you will find the handouts, templates and other resources to review before, during and after the session so you can get ahead start.  You will also find a short questionnaire to complete by the Friday before the session (thus earn the $20 early bird discount > see below), so I can learn more about you and your objectives before we get together.

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You will receive the ZOOM invitation link first thing in the morning of the webinar sent to the email address you used when you registered. Upon entry, your video will be enabled and your microphone will be muted. When the webinar starts, I will ask you one at a time, alphabetically by first name, to unmute and introduce yourself so we can get to know each other better before we begin. This webinar is limited to six participants. 

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Register by the Friday before the workshop and you'll save $20 and I will have ta chance to get to know you better before the session. The early bird discount will automatically be deducted in the shopping cart. 

Event Information

Event Date December-21-2022 1:30 pm
Event End Date December-21-2022 3:00 pm
Capacity 6
Cut off date December-16-2022 4:00 pm
Individual Price $75.00
Location Zoom Video Conference

We are no longer accepting registration for this event